Foods to Eat When Sick With Cold

min read
Discover the secrets to battling a cold with immune-boosting foods, effective hydration, and nurturing overall well-being.

1. Crushed Garlic:

Garlic is a superhero for the common cold! The magic lies in allicin, a potent compound with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Eating one clove of fresh and crushed garlic daily unleashes allicin, helping your body fight off infections. It's a natural antibiotic, tackling cold symptoms and supporting your immune system.

So, about garlic – there's a trick to unleashing its power. You gotta go fresh and crushed to get that magic allicin released. Now, if you're feeling adventurous, you can slice it thin and crush it with your teeth. But heads up, it packs a spicy punch!

"Good food is wise medicine." - Alison Levitt, MD

Now, imagine you want garlic in your salad or tahini – tasty, right? Here's the drill: crush the garlic right before tossing it into your dish. That way, you get all the flavor without losing the allicin goodness.

Quick tip: Allicin is a bit of a drama queen. It's super unstable and breaks down fast if you leave it hanging. Cooking or steaming? Nah, that's a no-go – it zaps allicin in a flash. So, keep it fresh, crush it when needed, and let that garlic superhero work its magic!

2. Ginger Goodness:

Ginger is a cold-fighting champ! Packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it helps soothe a sore throat, reduce nausea, and alleviate cold symptoms. The spicy root also aids in clearing congestion, making it easier to breathe. Ginger's natural goodness gives your immune system a boost and helps you feel better in no time.

So, here's the scoop: you can totally munch on it fresh, just like a candy. Cut a round slice, peel off the skin if you're up for it, and pop it in your mouth. But watch out, it's got a kick to it!


Now, if you're not into the whole munching thing, no worries! You can still enjoy ginger by dropping it into a glass of water or your favorite tea. It adds a zingy flavor that's just so refreshing.

Oh, and a little tip: when you're munching on ginger, feel free to crush the end with your teeth every now and then. It releases even more of that spicy goodness!

3. Hydrate with Water:

Keep it simple yet essential – stay well-hydrated with water. It helps thin mucus, soothes a sore throat, and supports your overall recovery. Drink up to let your body do its thing!

Water helps to thin out the mucus, making it easier to clear out all that icky stuff from your nose and throat. It's like a gentle cleanse from the inside.

But here's the thing: hydration isn't just about guzzling water when you're already parched. It's a constant support system. So, keep sipping, keep hydrating, and let water be your sidekick in the battle against the common cold.

4. Chicken Soup with Veggies:

The classic chicken soup is a winner. Packed with nutrients, it reduces inflammation, keeps you hydrated, and provides that extra comfort.

So, imagine this – you've got a pot bubbling with chicken, veggies, and bones. It's not just a tasty meal; it's your ticket to a speedy recovery.

Firstly, those bones are like the unsung heroes. They add depth to the flavor and bring in nutrients, especially if there's marrow involved. It's not just about taste; it's about the collagen they release, which is fantastic for your joints and gives your soup that heartwarming richness.

Foods to Eat When Sick With Cold

Now, the veggies are doing their part too. Carrots bring in a boost of Vitamin A – a superhero for your immune system. Onions? They're loaded with antioxidants, ready to tackle those pesky germs.

But here's the real magic: the chicken. It's not just about the protein; it's about the goodness it brings. Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease your sniffles and give your throat a soothing hug.

And hey, cooking those veggies? Sure, you might lose a smidge of vitamins, but the benefits far outweigh that. Some veggies even become more nutrient-packed when cooked.

5. Citrus Fruits:

Picture this: lemons and oranges are like little bundles of Vitamin C magic. They swoop in to boost your immune system, helping it fight off those pesky cold germs.

Now, when you're feeling under the weather, your body craves that extra kick, and that's where citrus fruits shine. They're like zesty, immune-boosting powerhouses that deliver a dose of antioxidants. These little warriors help reduce the duration and severity of your cold symptoms.

But it's not just about the health perks; it's also about the comfort. Sipping on warm lemon tea or munching on a juicy orange isn't just soothing; it's like a burst of sunshine in a chilly moment.

So, next time you're battling a cold, grab a lemon or an orange, embrace the citrusy goodness, and let those little Vitamin C warriors work their magic. It's like a citrusy hug for your immune system!

6. Berry Blast:

Alright, let's talk about these tiny wonders – blueberries. They're like little flavor bombs that not only taste amazing but also bring some serious health perks to the table.

Here's the deal: blueberries are packed with antioxidants. Now, these aren't just any antioxidants; they're like the superheroes of the nutrition world. They help your body fend off those cold germs by supporting your immune system. It's like giving your body a little extra armor to battle the sniffles.


And you know what's cool? Blueberries aren't just about health benefits; they're a delicious way to add a burst of sweetness to your day. Whether you toss them in a smoothie, sprinkle them on yogurt, or just snack on them solo, these little guys are working behind the scenes to keep you feeling good.

7. Tea Time:

Whether it's a cozy cup of ginger tea or a fragrant herbal infusion, tea time is like a mini spa for your soul.

Now, imagine this: you've got a warm mug cradled in your hands, and that first sip? Pure magic. Ginger tea, especially, is like a soothing hug for your insides. It warms you up and gives a gentle kick that feels like a comforting remedy, especially when you're battling a cold.

But here's the genius part – teas are not just about the warmth and the taste. They're like undercover agents for your health. Sneaky, right? You can toss in immune-boosting ingredients like ginger, lemon, or honey, and it's like giving your body a little extra support against those pesky germs.

And let's not forget the hydrating part. Tea isn't just about sipping; it's about keeping you refreshed and hydrated. So, next time you're winding down or in need of a pick-me-up, brew a cup of your favorite tea, let the aroma swirl around, and enjoy the soothing, immune-boosting experience.


Remember, it's not just about individual foods but the synergy of a holistic approach. Combine these elements, get some rest, and let the healing begin. Here's to a speedy recovery!


  1. Allicin - Wikipedia
  2. Collagen - Wikipedia
  3. Ginger - pixabay
  4. Blueberries - pixabay