Aloe Vera - 3 Benefits Everyone Should Know

min read
Discover the numerous benefits of Aloe Vera, including its ability to purify the air and its ease of growth.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel.


Aloe Vera is a popular and well-known plant that is widely used for its numerous health and beauty benefits.

  1. According to a study by NASA, Aloe Vera is one of the best indoor air-purifying plants, as it can effectively remove certain harmful chemicals from the air. This is because Aloe Vera is capable of absorbing harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

  2. Aloe Vera gel is commonly used to treat minor burns, including sunburns, due to its cooling and soothing properties. It is believed that the gel helps to reduce pain, speed up the healing process, and prevent infections.

  3. In addition to its burn healing properties, Aloe Vera gel is also used as a moisturizer. It is known for its hydrating properties, which can help to soothe dry and irritated skin, as well as improve skin's overall texture and appearance.

Learn how to care for your own Aloe Vera plant and enjoy its positive effects in your home.

The air-purifying benefits of Aloe Vera: a study by NASA

According to the study by NASA, Aloe Vera is considered one of the best indoor air-purifying plants because of its ability to remove certain toxic chemicals from the air. The study found that Aloe Vera was effective at removing certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Benzene is a toxic chemical that is commonly found in tobacco smoke, gasoline, and certain household products. Formaldehyde, on the other hand, is a colorless gas that is used in the manufacture of a variety of products, including adhesives, resins, and textiles. Both benzene and formaldehyde can have negative effects on human health, and therefore it is important to remove them from indoor air.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera a natural air purifier plant.

The Aloe Vera plant is able to absorb these harmful chemicals through its leaves, which makes it an effective air purifier. By removing these chemicals from the air, the Aloe Vera plant can help improve indoor air quality and protect the health of those who live or work in the space.


To ensure the best growth and health of your Aloe Vera plant, it is important to follow a few simple care instructions:

  1. Place your Aloe Vera in a bright, sunny spot, where it will receive plenty of light. This will help to promote healthy growth and ensure that the plant is able to photosynthesize effectively.

  2. When it comes to watering, be careful not to over-water your Aloe Vera. Water it only when the soil is completely dry, otherwise the roots may rot. When you do water the plant, make sure to use a fair amount of water to thoroughly hydrate the soil.

  3. The soil should also be stable, so be sure to choose a pot with a sturdy base that will not tip over. This is because Aloe Vera plants have heavy leaves, and if the soil is not stable, the plant may fall over.

  4. Provide good drainage. Aloe Vera plants prefer well-draining soil and do not like to be in soggy conditions. Make sure the pot has adequate drainage holes and do not allow the plant to sit in water.

  5. Prune dead leaves. Regularly remove any dead leaves from the base of the plant to promote new growth and keep the plant looking neat.

  6. Lastly, it is important to note that Aloe Vera plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors, so you can choose the best option for your space and climate.


There are two main ways to cut Aloe Vera to obtain its gel:

  1. Quick method: Simply break off a leaf from the top of the plant. The gel inside the leaf is ready to use. The broken leaf will dry out and close over time, but this will not harm the plant.

  2. Preserving the structure method: To preserve the structure of the plant, choose a leaf from the bottom of the plant and cut it off with a sharp, clean knife. This method is a bit more time-consuming, but it will keep the plant looking neat.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera.

Once you have cut the Aloe Vera leaf, you can use the gel directly on your skin by rubbing the juicy end on any sore spots. The gel is soothing and can help to reduce pain and speed up the healing of burns, cuts, and other skin irritations.

It is important to note that the gel from the Aloe Vera plant can have a laxative effect if taken orally, so it is best to use it topically on the skin. Additionally, be sure to patch test the gel on a small area of skin first to make sure you are not allergic to it before using it more extensively.


Propagating Aloe Vera plants is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to grow new plants from the parent plant. Here are the steps to follow for Aloe Vera propagation:

  1. Remove the parent plant from the pot or soil: Gently remove the parent Aloe Vera plant from its pot or soil, being careful not to damage the roots.

  2. Collect the offsets: Look for small offsets, also known as "pups", growing around the base of the parent plant. Gently and slowly pull the offsets up, making sure to keep as much of their roots intact as possible.

Aloe vera propagation

Aloe vera propagation.
  1. Plant the offsets: You can either plant the offsets in small pots filled with well-draining soil or plant them directly in the ground. Make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged, and place the offsets in a bright, sunny location.

  2. Return the parent plant to its original spot: After planting the offsets, place the parent Aloe Vera plant back in its original spot and water it well. This is also a good opportunity to add fertilizer to the soil, to help the parent plant recover from the stress of having offsets removed.

By following these steps, you will be able to propagate your Aloe Vera plant and enjoy the benefits of this hardy and useful plant for years to come.

Skin health

When it comes to skin health and wound healing, Aloe Vera can be an excellent natural remedy. Its properties, such as its high content of mucopolysaccharides, amino acids, zinc, and water, help to maintain skin moisture and integrity.

Not only is Aloe Vera effective, but it's also a more cost-efficient option compared to traditional treatments. It has been shown to improve the quality and speed of wound healing.

The use of Aloe Vera as a complementary treatment for skin wounds is recommended, given its effectiveness, low cost, and low risk of side effects. As more people are looking towards traditional medicine, Aloe Vera could be an excellent alternative for those seeking a natural way to improve their skin's health.


In conclusion, Aloe Vera is a versatile and valuable plant to have in your home. Not only does it help purify the air, as demonstrated by NASA research, but it also has numerous benefits for your skin and health.

The gel inside the Aloe Vera leaves has been found to be effective in reducing the pain of burns and other skin irritations, making it a must-have for any household first-aid kit.

Furthermore, Aloe Vera is easy to grow and propagate, making it a low-maintenance and attractive addition to any home or garden. Whether you are looking for a natural way to purify your indoor air or for a natural remedy for skin conditions, Aloe Vera is definitely worth considering.


  1. Aloe vera - Wikipedia
  2. NIH - Health Information
  3. Wiki How
  4. NIH - Short Review
  5. NASA Clean Air Study
  6. Aloe Vera's Active Constituents: A Pharmacological Update
  7. Aloe Vera's Effect on Skin Wound Healing: A Systematic Review