How to Choose Your Life Partner Wisely

min read
Unlock the secrets to choosing a life partner wisely. Dive into practical tips and thoughtful insights for a fulfilling, enduring relationship.

"Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

1. Good eye contact

When you're engaging in conversation with a potential life partner, the magic of good eye contact comes into play. It goes beyond just seeing the color of their eyes; it's about creating a bridge of understanding and connection.

Imagine this: as you share your thoughts, dreams, and even the mundane details of your day, those locked eyes become a silent language. It's a non-verbal conversation, an unspoken agreement that says, "I see you, and I'm fully present in this moment with you." This simple yet profound act fosters trust and intimacy, laying the foundation for a deeper connection.

Good eye contact

In those moments of eye contact, you're not just exchanging words; you're exchanging vulnerabilities, aspirations, and unspoken promises. It's a mutual acknowledgment that goes beyond the surface level. Psychologically, maintaining good eye contact indicates confidence, sincerity, and genuine interest.

As you navigate the journey of choosing a life partner, pay attention to the subtleties of eye contact. Does it feel natural, or does it seem forced? Are there moments of shared laughter and understanding in those gazes? Good eye contact isn't just a checkbox; it's a silent dance of connection.

So, in the process of choosing a life partner, let your eyes be the storytellers, weaving a narrative of understanding, trust, and shared vulnerability that goes beyond words. After all, it's in those silent moments of eye contact that the foundation of a lifelong connection is often laid.

2. You both come from a similar background

Imagine sharing not just your present but also a history that echoes familiarity. Coming from a similar background isn't merely a coincidence; it's a potential gateway to a shared language, values, and cultural understanding. This common ground can be the bedrock of a strong relationship, fostering a sense of connection that goes beyond the surface.

However, amidst the comfort of similarity, it's crucial to tread carefully. Financial exploitation can lurk in the shadows, casting a shadow on the partnership. Picture this scenario: you build a life together, a home, and perhaps even raise children. Now, the last thing you want is to find yourself entangled in a situation where your partner's true intentions reveal themselves in a less-than-pleasant manner.

To safeguard against potential pitfalls, practical tools come into play. A financial agreement may seem unromantic, but it's a proactive step towards ensuring a secure future. It sets clear expectations, boundaries, and safeguards against any unforeseen financial challenges.

Moreover, peeking into the stability of your partner's life is a wise move. Does their profession reflect a sense of stability? Are they consistent in their work? These questions aren't about doubting your partner but rather about securing a future where both parties thrive. It's akin to building a house on a solid foundation – the stability of your partner's life becomes the cornerstone.

3. Get to know his family well

Picture this: families are like blueprints, shaping individuals in profound ways. When you take the time to understand his family dynamics, you're essentially delving into the roots of his character, beliefs, and values. It's like peeling back the layers of a person to reveal the foundation upon which he's built. After all, it's within the familial realm that one absorbs the cultural nuances, moral compass, and even communication styles that become an integral part of who they are.

Have you ever noticed how certain traits or habits run in families? It's not merely coincidence; it's a reflection of shared experiences and learned behaviors. By getting to know his family, you're gaining insights into the formative years that molded him. It's a journey to understand the context of his upbringing, the traditions he holds dear, and the values that resonate with him. There's an undeniable logic to the idea that he would embody aspects of his family because that's the environment where he blossomed into the person you see today.

A family having a barbecue

However, the exploration doesn't stop at surface-level observations. Engage in conversations, share meals, and immerse yourself in the dynamics of his family. The more you understand their dynamics, the more you comprehend the nuances of his character. It's not about seeking perfection or uniformity but about recognizing the threads that weave through his life. By forging connections with his family, you're not just gaining in-laws; you're gaining a deeper understanding of the person you're considering for a life partner.

4. Check that the love is mutual

In the intricate process of choosing a life partner wisely, it's essential to navigate the terrain of mutual love. While it might sound like a no-brainer, delving into the reciprocity of affection is a nuanced exploration. It's not merely about professing love but understanding how the other party perceives and reciprocates that emotion.

Picture this scenario: you're standing at the intersection of dreams and reality. We often possess the inclination to project our aspirations onto the canvas of our relationships, sometimes blurring the lines between what we envision and the actual dynamics at play.

Checking that the love is mutual involves a conscious effort to see the relationship through the eyes of your partner. Are their actions aligned with their words? Do you both share a similar vision for the future?

It's about fostering open communication to ensure that the emotional investment is a two-way street. Love, after all, is a shared journey, and understanding your partner's perspective becomes the compass that guides this expedition. It's easy to get swept away by our own desires, but a wise navigator treads the path of mutual understanding.

5. Respect him and suspect him

Despite our earnest yearning for sincerity, the reality is that lies, irrespective of intent, possess the potential to wound. The genuine respect you offer your partner coexists with a subtle layer of suspicion, not as a manifestation of mistrust, but as a mechanism of discernment.

Suspecting lies becomes an instrument of clarity, an internal radar finely tuned to the subtle signals that may betray dishonesty. It's about acknowledging that trust is earned over time and that suspicions, when handled with care, are not destructive but rather constructive cautions.

6. Flowing conversation

Imagine conversations as the current that propels the relationship forward. It's not merely about exchanging words but about the quality of the dialogue, the ebb, and flow that weaves a tapestry of connection.

Analyzing these exchanges becomes a mirror reflecting the essence of your time together. Ask yourself, do these conversations resonate as quality time? Do they contribute to your growth, understanding, and joy? Yet, the evaluation doesn't conclude with your experience alone. Is the conversation equally enriching for your partner?

It's a dance where both voices are heard, perspectives are valued, and the dialogue becomes a shared canvas where ideas, dreams, and even trivial musings are painted.

7. The pressure test

Embarking on the journey of choosing a life partner, it's vital to subject the relationship to the pressure test. This test involves a soul-searching exploration: Are you with your partner out of genuine, wholehearted desire, or is external pressure steering the course? The pressure may emanate from various sources – societal expectations, familial influences, or even the eagerness of your partner while you harbor less enthusiasm.

It's a delicate balance that demands introspection. Time, an invaluable currency, should not be squandered on a relationship that lacks authenticity. Life, fleeting and precious, unfolds in chapters, each presenting unique opportunities and challenges. Wasting the period designated for finding a life partner is akin to overlooking a crucial chapter in the book of your life. It's not merely about succumbing to the pressure but about discerning whether your choice is fueled by genuine connection and mutual aspirations.

Life's journey is too short to be entangled in relationships that lack sincerity. So, as you navigate the path of life partner selection, let the pressure test be your compass. Ensure that the bonds you forge are free from external coercion and resonant with the true desires of your heart. Remember, each moment spent in a relationship shaped by authenticity is an investment in a future where love flourishes organically, unburdened by the weight of societal or familial expectations.

8. Positive arguments

Positive arguments within a relationship transcend mere disagreement; they are a reflection of constructive communication and mutual understanding. When engaging in a discussion or disagreement, it's crucial to assess whether your partner genuinely strives to comprehend your perspective. Equally important is your ability to empathize with their point of view. The essence of a positive argument lies not in winning but in reaching a compromise that honors both sides. It's about finding a middle ground where both partners feel heard and their concerns acknowledged.

The sustainability of a healthy relationship is often mirrored in the resolution of conflicts – can you navigate through differences, adapt, and evolve together? Moreover, the frequency of debates matters. A relationship shouldn't be stuck in a loop of repetitive arguments. The goal is progress, not perpetual disagreement. Prolonged debates on the same issue can foster resentment and hinder the growth of the partnership.

Time is a precious commodity in the journey of life partner selection, and fostering a climate of positive arguments ensures that conflicts are not roadblocks but stepping stones toward mutual growth. As you embark on the path of choosing a life partner wisely, let the landscape of positive arguments be a guiding force, propelling your relationship toward a future built on understanding, compromise, and shared progress.

9. Sharing the burden

In the intricate journey of selecting a life partner wisely, the concept of sharing the burden emerges as a fundamental tenet for a thriving and equitable partnership. Life, with its intricate web of challenges and joys, demands a delicate balance in distributing its burdens. Financial responsibilities, the complexities of managing a household, and the profound task of raising children represent multifaceted challenges that require collaborative efforts.

The essence of a good partnership lies in avoiding the pitfalls of one-sided benefit at the expense of the other—a dynamic that smacks of exploitation rather than a symbiotic alliance. A wise life partner actively engages in sharing the weight of financial obligations, contributes meaningfully to the rhythm of household responsibilities, and plays a vital role in the shared venture of raising children.

Picture this partnership as a collaborative effort akin to lifting a long wooden board. If faced alone, the task is burdensome, necessitating dragging and strain. However, with two partners working in tandem, each taking a rightful and equitable share, the effort transforms into a synchronized lift, making the load lighter for both.

10. People don't change

People can alter their perspectives, acquire new skills, or refine certain behaviors, but at the core, their essence remains largely consistent. Anticipating a partner to metamorphose into an entirely different person for your sake not only places an undue burden on them but also sets the stage for potential disappointment.

It's crucial to discern between genuine growth and unrealistic expectations. If there are aspects you find challenging or disagreeable, it's wise to approach the relationship with the understanding that these fundamental traits might persist. While open communication and compromise play vital roles in any relationship, a realistic acknowledgment that some elements may endure fosters a foundation of acceptance.

11. Building the relationship in a good way

Building a relationship in a positive trajectory is akin to constructing a sturdy, enduring structure. Just as a well-built house requires a solid foundation, relationships flourish when rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and shared growth. It's a continuous process of refinement, where the foundation is laid with the early moments of connection, and each subsequent interaction contributes to the architectural marvel of the partnership.

Assessing whether your relationship improves over time is like inspecting the craftsmanship of a builder. Do you find that with each passing day, the structure becomes more resilient, the walls more fortified? It's the subtle nuances, the shared experiences, and the joint efforts that contribute to the strengthening of the relational edifice.

Much like tending to a garden, relationships need nourishment, care, and attention. The seeds of love, initially planted, should be nurtured, allowing them to bloom into a flourishing garden of shared dreams and experiences. The foundation may face storms, but a well-built relationship weathers challenges, evolving and adapting.

The key lies in the intentional construction—moments of laughter, thoughtful conversations, shared goals—all contribute to the growth of love. It's not about the grand gestures alone but the cumulative effect of consistent, positive engagement.

As the relationship matures, the walls may witness the scars of trials, but it's in mending these cracks together that the bond strengthens. Building a relationship is an ongoing endeavor, where love, trust, and understanding are the bricks, and shared experiences are the mortar that holds it all together.

So, reflect on your relationship's blueprint. Does it showcase a structure that stands resilient against the tests of time? Does the love within grow stronger with each layer added?

12. Knowing how to say goodbye

Knowing how to say goodbye in a relationship is akin to acknowledging that not every chapter is meant to be a lifelong narrative. It requires a profound understanding of one's own needs and the awareness that the current partnership may not align with those essential elements. It's a courageous act, akin to pruning a tree to foster new, healthier growth.

If you feel like your current relationship doesn't quite fit, it's okay to say goodbye. By doing so, you're making space for new connections and exciting possibilities. It's like removing a puzzle piece that doesn't belong, allowing you to find a better match and giving both you and your partner a chance for something more fitting. Saying goodbye is not just an ending; it's a way to open doors to new beginnings and opportunities for happiness.


In conclusion, delving into the realm of choosing the right life partner demands meticulous study and thoughtful consideration. It's a significant decision that can profoundly impact your life's trajectory, shaping your happiness and fulfillment. While certain rules and guidelines can provide valuable insights, the importance of consulting with family and friends cannot be overstated.

Your parents, in particular, hold a wealth of wisdom and experience, and involving them in this decision-making process can offer valuable perspectives. They possess a unique understanding of your upbringing, values, and aspirations, making their guidance particularly insightful. Your family and friends, who know you intimately, can provide an external lens on your potential partner, offering observations and insights that you might not have considered.

Their input can act as a compass, aligning with or challenging your own perceptions. Beyond rules and guidelines, there exists a personal dimension to this endeavor, and the collective wisdom of those who care about you becomes an invaluable asset. Their perspectives can complement your own, enriching your understanding of the dynamics at play.

Ultimately, the decision is yours to make, but seeking the counsel of those who genuinely care about your well-being can be a cornerstone in navigating the intricate path of choosing a life partner wisely.


  1. H. Jackson Brown Jr. - Wikipedia